How to Use a Paint Spray Gun [Beginner Guide 2020]


Paint spray guns are amazing when it comes to painting walls, projects, or any objects. If you get to know how to use a paint spray gun properly, your job will be a lot easier. A lot of people face issues and trouble while using paint spray guns, cause the instructions may look confusing. In this article, we have written a guide and a few tips that will make the project you’re working on a lot better. If you are looking for Nerf Gun for fun or for your kid then you can check out the list here: Best Nerf Sniper

Paint Spray Gun

How to use a paint spray gun:

We have researched and tested the steps before handing over to you. To use a paint spray gun properly, please read and follow all of the steps we have given below.

Step 1:

Safety is the most important thing before you do any kind of spraying job. Paint spray guns work by distributing the paint into really tiny drops of paint. The paint contains many chemicals that can harm you, so if you have asthma or a sensitive nose, don’t forget to wear safety goggles and a face mask. Also, dress up with the clothes you don’t care about to prevent any kind of paint getting on your favorite clothing.

Step: 2

Now, it’s time to mix the paint and prepare the paint that you’re going to use for painting. We recommend using latex-based paint because, latex-based paint is easy to mix with water.

If you are wondering why should you mix the paint with water let me answer it. When the paint isn’t mixed with water the paint will be too thick to work with, that’s why you have to mix an appropriate amount of water to make the paint thinner. If you are confused about how much water should you use to prepare latex-based paint, then it’s a general rule to mix ¼ water for 1 gallon of paint.

Step: 3

When you have prepared the paint and you think you have the ideal mixture of paint to work on, it’s time to put this on a test.

Trust me, if you made a mistake while preparing the paint this step will prevent you from ruining your project.

After you have mixed the paint with water, pour a little amount of paint in the sprayer, and spray it on an unnecessary object. After spraying the paint, if you feel like the paint is thicker than it should be, use a little more water and mix the paint nicely. If you think the paint is over diluted, put more paint, or prepare a new batch of paint.

Step: 4

It’s time to pour the prepared paint into the sprayer. Transfer the paint into the sprayer but, don’t overfill it.

After you have transferred the paint into the sprayer, start the sprayer with a medium-low pressure and paint left to right. When you are painting the next section, overlap the paint for a smooth finish. Also, never start from the middle cause that will create lumps and make the paint look uneven.

Step: 5

After you have finished painting, it’s time to clean your paint sprayer. The paint sprayer is meant to be long-lasting equipment. Without proper maintenance, the paint sprayer will not work properly.

If you’re using latex-based paint, you can wash the sprayer with water easily. Make sure to clean the spraying nozzle to avoid clogs.

Few tips for you:

  • Buy a good quality spray gun, if your paint sprayer isn’t good enough then no matter how well you prepare the paint, you will not get a good finish. So, before investing in a paint spray guns read a buying guide.
  • There are different kinds of paint you can choose from to paint with. If you’re a beginner in spray painting, we recommend you to use latex based paints.
  • If you don’t know how to measure the right amount of water to mix paint. Add water little by little.
  • Do you have a friend or relative that knows about spray painting? Talk to them and surely they will give you practical examples that you can learn from.
  • Test the paint colors on a white surface before preparing, it will prevent you from choosing the wrong color.

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By the end of this article, you should know how to use a paint spray gun. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, with practice and time you can get better at spray painting. The steps we have written above, we have tested them before giving to you. And as always, thank you for reading the full article, we wish you a very good day.

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